Dear Patients!


It is with great delight to have openend my family medicine / general medicine office in my beloved part of town: Kumpfmühl Regensburg.

Ever since I was a student I felt most welcome and at home here close to the University and close to downtown Regensburg.


My medical training started as a paramedic, continued here in Regensburg with the preclinical studies and was finalized at the esteemed University of Wuerzburg with the clinical part.


In Wuerzburg I also obtained my PhD in clinical epidemiology.

The academic part of my medical education was followed by a grant I received from the goverment of the United States for Primary Care Research, where I studied doctor-patient communication and the epidemiology and screening for prostate cancer for two years.


My residency in family medicine took place in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains in Asheville, NC USA. All my clinical knowledge took its origin there since I was blessed to have had many great teachers!

Coming back to Bavaria in 2005 I opened my first primary care office close to Salzburg and worked there for seven years before moving back to Regensburg! So here I am at last!



Please do not hesitate to contact us!




Rainer Beck MD, PHD


My office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00-12:00am. Additionally: Monday and Thursday afternoon from 4:00-6:00pm, and Tuesday afternoon from 2:00-4:00pm.


My mission statement is strictly based on patient centered medicine.

We practice medicine that is based on the newest developments in the diagnostic and therapeutic developments but also always stives to honour the individuality of each patient.

The patient is the center of our attention and participates in the treatment plan.
It is crucial to have a respectful and open doctor patient relationship. We respect the dignity of each individual regardless of his/her health insurance, origin or religion.


Check-up medicine / preventive medicine has been a focus of my medical attention in my research and clinical work for a long period of time. Please ask me what this entails and what the benefits and risks are. You will find open ears and proven skills in this specific area.


We offer ultrasound diagnostics of most organs of the body, ECG, treadmill cardiac stress tests, 24 hour blood pressure monitoring, pulmonary function tests, multiple laboratory tests,  travel medicine, sports medicine, small surgical procedures mostly for skin lesions, treatment of chronic and acute wounds etc.


My office serves as a urgent care clinic and family medicine office for patients of all age groups, with acute and chronic medical problems.

A focus also lies on medicine for students in Regensburg.


Gutenbergstrasse 11a

93051 Regensburg

Telefon: 0941-991150

Telefax: 0941-999458


Email im Bedarfsfall bitte telefonisch nachfragen, da wir nach den Europäischen Datenschutzrichtlinien keine Patientendaten per E-mail versenden.

Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung:

Mo-Fr 8-12 Uhr

Mo, Do 16-18 Uhr

Di 14-16 Uhrch gerne zu Ihnen nach Hause!

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Liebe Patienten und Patientinnen,


Wenn Sie mit unseren Leistungen zufrieden waren, können Sie dies gerne auf dem unterstehenden Link bewerten.

Vielen Dank!

Dr. med. Rainer Beck, von sanego empfohlen